Wondering how to increase your website conversion rate? Check out these eight tips that will help turn more of your visitors into customers.

8 Tips To Boost Your Website Conversion Rate

Eke Out More From Less With These Traffic Conversion Ideas

You've commissioned a new website, and your all singing, all-dancing new kid on the block ready to rock and roll. But what's this? The orders are coming in slower than you thought, and the leads are not being generated as often as you'd like.

If you've put your new website design in place but are still waiting to see the growth in engagement that you were anticipating, here are some key steps to take:

Creating more leads with higher conversions

Are You Getting Website Traffic?

You can't measure anything without visitors, so your first step is to begin a search engine optimisation campaign or start a paid advertising campaign to gain some eyeballs on the page.

There are two parts to the conversion rate problem. If you are using Google Adwords to generate business, your Advert needs to be captivating enough to entice people to click on it. If the majority of your traffic comes through organic search engine traffic, then page titles and meta descriptions also need attention paid to them to make the listings stand out.

Writing click-worthy Google Ads is a subject I'll cover in an upcoming blog post.

Once the user arrives at your website, you need to provide them with a good reason to purchase or fill in the form, and that's where website conversion is essential. Make them an offer they can't refuse!

Create A Clear And Concise Value Proposition

Your website should communicate what sets your business apart and why visitors should choose your products or services over others.

A clear and concise value proposition ensures that website visitors can quickly and easily identify what makes your business unique.

It should immediately let users know why they should choose you over any other competitors, providing them with a tangible benefit that is hard to ignore.

To do this effectively, ensure that the website layout and design are clear and that each page is easy to understand.

Improve page speed optimisation

Improve Website Speed And User Experience

When a website is slow to load and navigate, it can become incredibly frustrating for users, leading them to abandon your site in search of one that is quicker and easier to use.

A slow-loading website can be a major turnoff for visitors, who will likely abandon the site and move on to one that loads faster, resulting in a poor user experience and harming your search engine rankings, as search engines like Google consider page speed a ranking factor.

To improve website speed, you can take the following steps:

  1. Optimise images: Compressing images and reducing their file size can help speed up your website and improve user experience.
  2. Minimise the use of plugins: Too many plugins can slow down your website and affect its performance. Consider removing plugins you don't need or finding alternative solutions that are more lightweight.
  3. Use a fast and reliable hosting provider: A slow and unreliable hosting provider can significantly impact your website's performance and speed. Consider switching to a quicker and more reliable provider if necessary.
  4. Minimise the use of redirects: Redirects can slow down your website and affect its performance, so it's essential to minimise their use where possible.
  5. Use a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN can help speed up your website by distributing your content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing the time it takes for visitors to load.

Use Social Proof Wherever Possible

By including customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings on your website, you can show potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your business, helping to build trust and increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase or take another desired action.

Here are some ways to use social proof effectively on your website:

  1. Display customer reviews and testimonials prominently: Featuring customer reviews and testimonials in a prominent location on your website, such as on your home page or product pages, can help build trust and increase conversions.
  2. Use star ratings and other forms of rating systems: Displaying star ratings, or other forms of rating systems can help visitors quickly understand the overall satisfaction of your customers, which can influence their purchasing decisions.
  3. Show the number of customers who have purchased or used your products or services: Include a running tally of the number of customers who have purchased or used your products or services can help build credibility and increase conversions.
  4. Use customer photos or videos: Including images or videos of real customers using your products or services can add a personal touch and help build trust.
  5. Highlight notable customers or media mentions: If your business has been featured in the media or has celebrity customers, showcase this on your website to demonstrate your credibility and expertise.

Using social proof effectively, you can build trust with potential customers and increase the likelihood that they will take the desired actions on your website.

Additionally, by regularly collecting and displaying customer reviews, you can continually demonstrate your commitment to providing a positive customer experience, which can have a long-term impact on conversions.

Persuade and influence with great website copywriting

Use Persuasive Language And Write Convincing Website Copy

Writing copy for a website requires an expert touch, and, as an experienced copywriter, crafting persuasive words is my speciality.

By understanding your customer's needs and wants, you can ensure that you create copy that compels them to take action and purchase.

From headlines and call-to-actions to shop buttons and product descriptions, with my help, you can guarantee that your website's text will magnetically attract customers with its alluring style.

My mission is simple; craft words that continually encourage customers to take action.

Use A Strong Call To Action (CTA) And Tell People Exactly What You Want Them To Do

When writing compelling copy, one of the most critical elements is crafting solid calls to action that nudge your target audience into action.

A well-crafted CTA informs the reader what action you want them to take and provides direction on how to do it. As an expert copywriter, my advice is to go bold and be direct when writing your CTAs - include a verb linked to the desired action, such as buy, subscribe or download.

Make sure that they know what you want them to do and how easy it is for them to do it.

You can use persuasive language or create urgency with words like now or today. Writing good calls-to-action will help you drive conversions and maximise return on investment.

Use Images And Videos To Help Explain Your Product Or Service

Images and videos are powerful tools for conveying your products or services' features, benefits and value. Not only do they help to bring your ideas to life, but they can also increase engagement with and interest in your product or service.

Visual elements keep viewers interested and remind them of what could be possible if they made the purchase.

Furthermore, leveraging images and videos helps capture potential customers' imagination, immersing them in a realistic picture of what their lives would look like with your product.

Offer A Free Trial Or Money-Back Guarantee

To drive conversions and build confidence in prospective customers, offering a free trial or money-back guarantee is one of the best marketing strategies you can use.

Making customers aware that they have the option to try before they buy means more fulfilled customers who don't feel threatened to commit before trying.

By providing these opportunities, you're inviting hesitant customers to experience your service's stability and quality assurance without feeling like they're taking too big a risk. Offering a free trial or money-back guarantee can be the critical difference between them, considering your service and signing up.

Ensure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

Having a mobile-friendly website is essential in today's digital world. With more and more consumers accessing the internet through their smartphones, your website must cater to this growing trend to keep up with the competition.

When visitors land on a non-optimised website for mobile devices, they often lose interest quickly, which can lead to a failure to convert leads into customers.

To stay ahead of the game, make sure you invest the time and money into developing your website with a mobile-friendly design. Not only will it create a positive impact on potential customers, but it'll also give you an edge over your competitors.

To Summarise

Crafting strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and providing clear instructions on what you want your audience to do are essential elements of compelling copy.

Utilising visuals, such as images and videos, can help explain products or services, and offering a free trial or money-back guarantee can increase conversions. Additionally, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly will give your business an edge over the competition.

By combining these tips with great storytelling, you'll be able to create a website that generates great results.

If you need help improving your website conversion rate contact us