Website Design By Wildwood Digital

Are you looking for a website design agency to help you take your business to the next level? Look no further than Wildwood Digital. We specialise in creating beautiful, responsive websites that are optimised for conversion, so you can start generating more leads and sales from your online traffic.

We understand that your website is an essential tool for growing your business. That's why we offer a wide range of web design and digital marketing services to help you get the most out of your online presence.


Our experienced designers will work closely with you to understand your business goals and create a website that reflects your brand identity.


Whether you're looking for help with search engine optimisation, social media marketing, or pay-per-click advertising, we can provide the expertise and support you need to achieve your goals.


Wildwood Digital Company Logo

You provide an exceptional service, your customers love you! Create a website that demonstrates the value your business provides.

What's right for you?

We will first meet or chat on the phone to discuss your requirements. The services you want to push, the type of work you want, the functionality you need and your budget. I will then tailor a design to suit your needs.

You're in Control

See your website being built as it happens. After each page is completed have your chance to put your own unique style on the page.

If you're happy with what's being done, simply ask me to get on with it.

Ongoing Support

Once your website is complete get periodic reviews about your website. I'll prompt you for updates on your business and new photos that will help your website be kept up-to-date.

I look after your website so you don't need to

Fully Optimised Websites

There is more to website design then meets the eye, having a well-structured website on a responsive platform is essential for both user experience and search engine performance.

Mobile Optimized

All my websites are built on WordPress which is the most widely used CMS (content management system) in the world. It's 100% responsive, meaning your website will look great on desktop, mobile and tablet.

On Site Optimisation

The structure of your website will dictate what Google finds your website to be relevant for. I'll ensure your website is built with the right title tags and heading tags. This will help you to be found for what's important to you.

Google Integrated

I'll submit your website to Google Search Console and you your website up with Google Analytics. This will ensure Google can find your website. We can use Google Analytics to see how many people visit your website.

Constant Website Monitoring

Things can and do wrong with websites. Without constant monitoring, that can mean downtime & loss of exposure. Ensure your website is secure, safe and if something does go wrong I'll be the first to know about it and get your site live ASAP!


I'll ensure your website and any files i.e. photos are fully optimized to be as small as possible giving you fiercely fast loading speeds


Websites can go down from time to time. I use software that informs me as soon as a website goes down. Meaning, your website will be back up and running as quickly as possible.


All my websites come with an SSL certificate this is where you can see https:// in the URL. I also use software to protect your website from viruses and hackers.


I'll create regular backups of your website. If there is a problem with your site we can go back to one of the regular backups

Website Design By WildWood Digital

The Importance Of Planning Your Website Design


Have you ever gone to a website and been frustrated by how long it took to load? Or been confused by where to find the information for which you were looking?


Web design is more than just making a website look good. It's about creating a practical, user-friendly experience that meets the needs of both the site owner and the site visitors.


That's why planning is such an essential part of the web design process. By taking the time to understand your audience and your goals, you can create a site that is both visually appealing and easy to navigate.


And when launching a new website, proper planning can mean the difference between success and failure. So if you're ready to get started on your next web design project, be sure to take the time to plan. It will make all the difference in the world.


The Critical Features Of A New Website


Your website is the backbone of your online presence — it's where all your digital marketing efforts lead back. And, just like any good foundation, your website needs certain vital features to be effective. Here are the six critical attributes that every new website needs:


1. A clear value proposition: Why should someone visit your website? What are they going to get out of it? Your value proposition must be clear, concise, and prominently displayed on your homepage.


2. A user-friendly design: Your website's design should be clean and easy to navigate. Avoid cluttered pages and complex menus — instead, focus on creating a simple user experience.


3. Mobile optimisation: With over half of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, your website must be optimised for mobile, meaning having a responsive design that scales to fit any screen size, as well as ensuring that visitors can easily access all of your content on a mobile device.


4. SEO-friendly content: For your website to get discovered by potential customers, you must optimise your website content for search engines. Use relevant keywords throughout your site and ensure that your titles and meta descriptions are compelling and accurate.


5. Social media integration: Social media is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Ensure that your site includes prominently placed social media buttons and shareable content such as blog posts and infographics.


6. Lead capture forms: To convert website visitors into leads, you must have lead capture forms on each site page. These forms should be short and straightforward, with clear calls to action encouraging users to submit their contact information.


By ensuring that your new website has these six critical features, you'll set yourself up for success in the digital space.