Websites - Digital Marketing - SEO

Personalised Websites
Professionally Managed

For Your Local Business


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Website designer meeting Electrician in Leeds

'Personalised Websites, Professionally Managed For Your Small Business'

Hi, I'm Will. The founder of Wildwood Digital a Website & Digital Marketing Company that specialises in Building and Managing websites for local Businesses and Tradespeople throughout Yorkshire!

"Do you wonder how other businesses similar to yours manage to produce regular inquiries from their website"?

As a former Tradesperson, I understand your pain!

With my proven strategy, we'll help you create a website and online presence that will drive your business forward and create a consistent flow of leads.

Watch our video below to see how we'll make your business successful online. 


Let us be your marketing department. We'll offer you:

Phone Support

A Monthly Report

Quarterly Reviews

Free Amends & Advice

Check Out Our Current Projects


Although we will help with one-off projects, we tend to work with our customers quarter on quarter. We like to ensure that our customers get off to a great start. We also support our customers with advice and other services in Huddersfield to help their business continue to grow. Check some of them out below:

Want To See First Hand What We Do?


Watch The 8-min Video Demonstration


You will see live examples of the strategy we use and the first steps we take to put your business on the map and generate your business quality leads. If you like what you see, simply book an appointment to find out more.

Simply enter your email and name and you will be directed to the video straight away... What could you learn?

We use powerful tools to research your market, put you in front of your customers and provide analytics to track your progress...

Welcome To Your Local Website Design Agency Based In Chapel Allerton, Leeds & Huddersfield

The benefits of using a professional web design agency:


  • A team of experts experienced in all aspects of website design and development will be able to create a visually appealing and functional website.
  • A website design agency can create a website optimised for search engines so that your website will be more likely to appear higher up in the search results, resulting in more traffic and potential customers.
  • Create a responsive website that will adjust to any screen size, whether viewed on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
  • Build a website that is easy to use, and your customers will find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
  • Create an engaging website. Your customers will likely stay on your website and interact with your content.
B A Carpentry team
Will from Wildwood Digital with Wired Electrical
Will demonstratine to Pro Abr Machinery their website results and how to use their CRM. Pro Arb Machinery look very interested

Choose The Right Website Design Company For Your Business.


There are a few things that you should consider when choosing a web design company, such as:


  • The size of the company. Do you want to be just another number in a large company? or do you want to know the name of the person you are speaking?
  • The location of the company. Choose a web design company based in Leeds so you can easily visit their office and meet with their team.
  • The portfolio of the company. Choose a web design company with a strong portfolio of work, showing you its ability to create high-quality websites.
  • The price of the services. You know the old saying, If you think the cost of a professional is high, what is the cost of someone who does a bad job? We're unapologetically transparent about our pricing. We can provide a lead management tool to track every lead and its cost. Meaning, our customers know they are getting great value for money.

What To Expect During The Website Design Process


You've decided that you need a website. Maybe you're starting a new business and need to get online, or perhaps you're finally ready to take your existing business to the next level with a professional website. Whatever your reasons for needing a website, you've come to the right place.


At our website design company in Leeds, we specialise in creating beautiful, functional websites that help businesses achieve their goals.


We understand that not everyone is familiar with the website design process, so we thought we'd give you an idea of what to expect when you work with us.


The first step is to schedule a consultation with one of our website designers, where we'll learn about your business, your website's goals, and your design ideas. We'll also answer any questions you have about the website design process.


Once we understand what you're looking for, we'll start working on a website mockup and a rough draft of your website that will help us visualise the overall look and feel of the site. Once you've approved the mockup, we'll move on to creating the actual website.


We'll work with you during the website development process to add content to your website and tweak the design until it's just right. We'll also ensure that your website is search engine optimised so potential customers can easily find you online.


Once your website is complete, we'll help you launch it and promote it online. We'll also provide ongoing support to ensure your website continues running smoothly.


Contact us today if you're looking for a website design company in Leeds or Huddersfield that can create stunning graphic design and an effective website for your business. We'll be happy to discuss your website needs and give you a free consultation.


How To Make Sure Your Website Meets Your Expectations


When working with a website design company, it's essential to communicate your expectations clearly, helping ensure that your website meets your needs and that you're happy with the final product.


Here are a few things to keep in mind when communicating your website design expectations:

Be clear about your goals.


What do you want your website to achieve? Do you want to increase sales, attract new customers, or provide information about your business? The more specific you can be about your goals, the better.

Provide examples of websites you like.


If you have any particular website designs you want, share them with your website designer, giving them a good idea of the style you're aiming to replicate.

Be realistic about your budget.


Website design can be expensive, especially if you require complex functionality. We have options for every budget, but, It's essential to have a realistic budget in mind from the start, what functionality is a must-have and what can be added later, perhaps, when the website is starting to make you money. This can help ensure that you don't spend more than you can afford on your website.

Have Payment Stages


If you pay for your website 100% upfront and you're not happy with the result you don't really have much leverage to go on.

At Wildwood Digital we have payment stages. This means we can ensure you are happy with what we have done before moving to the next stage or completing the build of your website

Don't be afraid to ask questions.


If you're unsure about anything during the website design process, don't hesitate to ask your website designer for clarification. It's better to ask questions and get things right than to end up with a website that doesn't meet your expectations.


These tips can help ensure that your website turns out exactly how you want it. So if you're ready to start your new website, contact a website design company in Leeds today.

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